• Community Resource Service supports those in need in our community through two distinct programs : the Brantford Food Bank and Community Employment Service

    We are a non-profit charitable organization that receives funding from fundraising activities, United Way, private citizens, organizations, businesses, service clubs, churches and government.

    Community Resource Service began as a result of the economic hardship that hit our community in the late 1980s. Originally called the Brantford Unemployed Help Centre, our organization started by providing support and advocacy to those affected by the economic downturn.

    As a local charity, Community Resource Service provides support to those in need and has developed programs to support individuals and families facing economic hardship, and for those needing support in finding employment.

    In 2013/14 Community Resource Service began separating their two main brands: The Brantford Food Bank and Community Employment Service for better recognition and understanding in the community.

  • Our Mission Statement is:

    We are a voice in our community, providing resources and pathways to food security and employment.

  • Very simply, our Vision is:

    Everyone Fed

    Everyone Working.

    Everyone Counts.

  • These are our Values. This is who we are and this is what we stand for:




    Community Minded


    We will promote and aspire to uphold these values in all that we do.


    We will aspire to live these values in all our interactions

    We will hold each other accountable for upholding these values

    We will include self-assessment of these values in our performance appraisals

    We will ensure new employees hold the same values as our organization

    We will encourage community feedback to ensure we are upholding our values


    We will communicate our values to all new volunteers and employees

    We will ensure all communication reflects and communicates our values

    We will communicate these values through our marketing and branding

    We will promote these values when sharing success stories about our organization

    We will share these values in presentations to our community

    We will post and promote our Values, Mission and Vision

    Planning and Learning

    We will learn new ways to incorporate our values in our work

    We will reflect these values in all new programs and program directions

    We will partner with organizations that share common values


    We will be open to internal and external feedback when we uphold our values and when we need encouragement to remember them

    We will recognize when employees and volunteers have exemplified these values

    We understand that our values can be interpreted and we will be open to varying points of view

  • Keith Cloutier, President

    Ashley Pettifer, Vice President

    Kernesha Baird, Secretary

    Colleen Kennedy, Treasurer

    Peter DePodesta, Past President

    Karen Towler, Member

    Sean Hauk, Member

    Allie VanDyk, Member